Senior Surf Newsletter June 2010

    Interested in creating video project for a wedding, life tribute, memorial or life event? Go to multimedia memoirs here.

How do I find out how much hard drive space I have left?

The answer varies from computer to computer. If you are on a Mac, find the icon on your desktop or Finder that indicates "Hard drive" or "HD" and right-click (or control-click) and choose "Get info". That will tell you how many gigabytes you have used and how much you have total. If you are on Windows, open up "My Computer" and right-click on your C Drive and choose Properties. A nice pie chart will appear telling you how much space you have left and how much you have total.

What is a Flash Player?
The Flash Player is a software application that works in the background of your browser* to allow you to see certain types of websites such as: animation, video, certain types of sophisticated navigation, photographs and other high level graphics. Without Flash you would not be able to use YouTube, Flickr, parts of the NY Times websites and thousands of other websites. See below for more info on updating Flash.

*See last month's newsletter for the definition of a browser.

What is Java?
Java also runs in the background of your browser allowing you to interact with certain types of components on a website including games, animation, navigation, forms and more. You usually don't even know it's there, so don't worry too much about it. Should you update? Keep reading...

What does "cache" mean?
It means money, and send me lots now, or the mail chimp gets it. OK, that's a different type of cache. Cache can mean different things depending on what type of program you're seeing it used in. Most users see it in their browser, as in "clear your cache". Your cache is like a note taker for your browser so it can quickly remember websites you go to frequently. This is good, but sometimes our cache gets filled up slowing down our computer, because the cache gets filled up. Ask your tech person how to empty your cache if your browser is getting slow.

What is a PDF file?
PDF stands for Portable Document Format (doesn't that just tell you exactly what it is?). PDF's were invented by Adobe and can be read by Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat. PDF's were designed to create a universal standard for documents so that they can be transferred from one computer to another without any loss of formatting or content. They can also be transferred "cross-platform" (Mac to PC and vice versa). They are used for contracts, resumes, newsletters and other official documents.

What is an update?
An update is something your computer requires so you can stay current with the latest security software, music player, video player, web browser, printer software, anti-virus and more.

Why do I need to update?
You should update because if your computer and the software within it gets out of date, certain programs may not run properly, your browser will not show certain websites and your computer may not be well-protected. Believe me, as a tech, I have seen computers that do not update and it can be a lot of work catching up...

How do I update?
Each computer is different. If you are on a Mac, go to your System Preferences under the Apple menu and choose Software Updates; If you are on Windows, go to Control Panel and choose Windows updates. And each software program that needs updating will alert you when it needs updating (Flash, Java and your printer are good examples of this). If you are Windows, you may also see a Windows icon on the lower right of your screen telling you an update is available.

What types of programs should I update?

Flash, Java, Windows Updates, Mac updates, updates for Microsoft Office, your media players, your printer, your anti-virus (this is a must!), your browser.

What is an App?
App is short for "application". Apps these days refer to smart phones like iPhones and Droids where they have thousands of apps to choose from to install on your phone for extra features beyond just a phone. They can be used for games, utilities, organizing, entertainment and more! I have about 30 apps on my iPhone (when it isn't dropping calls!)

What is a modem?
Modem stands for modulator demodulator, and is responsible for your computer's high speed internet connection. It is constantly sending and receiving (mod and demod) information to and from your computer. Check out wikipedia's very thorough explanation when you have a moment

Have an idea for an upcoming newsletter? Have questions? Send 'em my way!


Contact Dave Casuto

Private instruction,
Technical Support,
Project Work
and most all topics and areas.
(415) 509-3725