Senior Surf Newsletter - June 2011

OK, I admit it. I have a secret crush on Google. Why? They just keep crankin' out new, interesting, useful and free (yes, free!) tools for we, the public, that make our lives easier, more fun, more interesting, better educated and Google-licious! My crush first began while reading the Google Story (click to read more) a few years back; a very honest portrayal of the internet giant, for better or for worse. Of course some things have changed in their offerings and business model, but the stuff they offer in their virtual studio (definitely click link) just makes me dizzy with delight and makes my crush grow stronger.

Here are a few things coming out of their labs worth checking out:

Google Flight Search

Google just made it a lot easier to quickly look up flight information. Now you can type “flights from [a city] to [another city] in the Google search window, and it’ll quickly display a summary of flight information right there on the results page.
Could it get any easier? We tested this new feature that was announced Friday on Google’s Inside Search blog, and it works beautifully, especially if you’re talking about major cities.
For instance, type “flight LA SF”, and you’ll get a long list of flights when you click on the resulting drop-down list:

Or you can simply type “flights LA” and Google will helpfully show you each flight to Los Angeles from all airports, including numerous airlines and flight durations. Find out what flights originate from your local airport by typing “flights from [your airport here]“.
It works in 10 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Turkish and Catalan.
Thanks, Google. This is yet another life-enhancing improvement added to your search repertoire.

Google Labs
Here is a list straight from the Google Labs website, a silo of very innovative, creative and useful tools that Google offers the world. Check out the site to see them all.

Art Project powered by Google

Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces.

Google Body is a detailed 3D model of the human body. You can peel back anatomical layers, zoom in, and navigate to parts that interest you. Click to identify anatomy, or search for muscles, organs, bones and more. (You may need to upgrade your browser to view properly, but worth it!)

City Tours

Suggests multi-day walking tours of major cities given a starting address. Let Google find nearby points of interest for you or create your own tours from your own and others' "My Maps".
Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine brings together the world's satellite imagery—trillions of scientific measurements dating back more than 25 years—and makes it available online with tools for scientists, independent researchers, and nations to mine this massive warehouse of data to detect changes, map trends and quantify differences on the earth's surface.
Using this new Google Labs tool, they've already begun helping scientists develop applications for detecting deforestation and mapping land use trends, and have started working with individual countries to develop their own applications.
View product videos or our Map Gallery to learn more or visit the Data Catalog to get started.

Google Health

Organize your medical records online

Build 3D models quickly and easily


Instantly translate text, web pages, and files between over 50 languages.


Create websites and secure group wikis. Get your own website for free! Pretty cool, actually. I have taught this tool several times.

I had an iPhone for two years. The relationship was hot and heavy for a while and we were madly in love until expectations starting getting in the way, and perfectionistic standards began creeping up, and then I met Android who showed me what true love really is. Android is the Google-created "operating system" found within many smart phones (brands vary) and it is just so bloody smart and I have not looked back after leaving my former love. Too many examples to name including voice search EVERYTHING, a "back" button (duh), an options menu, a notification bar and real multitasking are just a few (don't make me go on, cuz I will). And no shortage of apps. Click here to learn more.

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