October 2009

Senior Surf Website

Interested in creating video project for a wedding, life tribute, memorial or life event?Go to multimedia memoirs here.

Hello everyone. This issue is the second of two parts on digital formats. It also includes some tips on some useful download to make your life easier and possibly more entertaining and fun!

Also, a bit of info on the upcoming class I am teaching at SFSU coming up at the end of the month.

Stay in touch...

Best regards,



As we progress in the world of computers, technology and all it's various iterations change with it. This segment will focus on some of the newer digital formats out there and how to deal with them (without resorting to violence or using profanity).

Microsoft Office Applications

Whether you are on a Mac or Windows computer, most of us will have exposure to an Office application. Some examples are Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Now, with the latest versions of Office 2007 (for Windows) and 2008 (for Mac) out, comes a host of new challenges. And they start and end with the letter "x".

The X Factor

Office application extensions from 2003 and prior went like this:

Word = .doc

Excel = .xls

PowerPoint = .ppt

For Office 2007 and 2008, they have added the letter x to each of these extension. Eg, Word is now .docx, Excel, xlsx.

Now, here's the problem: If you do not have Office 2007 or 2008 installed on your computer, you will not be able to open a file created in these new versions. (Yes, this is brilliant marketing from Microsoft that now forces the world to not sit by idly and get left behind and stuck with their now ancient technology).

So what do you do to fix this? The solution is both easy and free. If you want to be able to open up files with this new format, simply follow the link below and download the Compatibility Pack for Office. Again, it's free and easy to install and does not take up a lot of room on your computer. Click the link here.

Once downloaded and installed, if you try to open one of the X formats, it will open in a "Viewer", meaning that you can read it, but you cannot edit it (you'll have to buy the full program to be able to do that).

One last note, if you do own 2007/2008, bear in mind that others may not, so save your files as the older formats sans X. See your options menu on how to make that change permanent.


Term of the Month


SMS stands for Short Message Service. The more common language used is "Texting", ie, from your cell phone. As in: "It is illegal to text while driving, lest you run over a hapless pedestrian."

See your manual on how to text. There is usually a minimal charge of $.10 per text sent and received.

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